What's Next for Lovebird Game Studios?

Hi everyone!

Here comes the long post that I alluded to recently on our social media: What's Next for Lovebird Game Studios. Buckle in!

You all know that I like to be very transparent when it comes to our game development. Sharing the journey with all of you has always helped me keep taking steps. So I’d like to share the decision we came to regarding which game to work on next, and I’d like to explain the thinking behind it as well. It may not be the news you were hoping to hear, but I hope you will also leave here with a sense of excitement and anticipation for what’s to come.

At this time, we have decided to not move forward with a sequel/fandisk of Band Camp Boyfriend.

This is a decision that does not come easy, especially since I know a lot of you were hoping for an Aaron route. We had a lot of fun ideas for the sequel we were excited for and it’s a bit of a heartbreaker to think they won’t come to fruition. I also adore our cast of characters and loved writing them, and will miss doing so. There are many different factors at play that went into making this decision.

Time. The reality is we both work full-time jobs and we have to choose our battles when it comes to this hobby. While the fandisk would be about half the size of the base game, we feel it would still take around approximately 3 years to release (I’d like to say 2, but let's face it: we are slow at game development). 

Money. We are incredibly grateful and proud to say that we made back the money we spent making Band Camp Boyfriend. We consider BCB a modest success. However, we don’t feel that the current player base is large enough to justify a sequel, especially since sequels do not typically perform as well as the base game. We have a feeling we would dig ourselves right back into the financial hole and not make it out the second time around.

Art. Particularly the backgrounds. Keep in mind that we commission the art for our games. Most otome games are easily able to pull off a fandisk because they have all of their assets from the base game. Since Band Camp Boyfriend took place in a bottle setting that the characters have now left behind, we would need a ton of new backgrounds for the school setting we had imagined for the sequel. Our background artist is no longer available, so we would have to shop around for someone with a similar style and buy a whole new host of backgrounds. And of course we would need new CGs, new outfits, new everything to really make it exciting.

Inspiration. During our “break,” the creative juices began to flow and we found ourselves gravitating to our next idea. I told myself I wouldn’t write or work on anything until making this choice, but I couldn’t stop myself. And I found myself writing the prologue for our next game and drawing concept art of the characters. Even while listening to music, the music videos that would play in my head shifted away from Band Camp Boyfriend and towards the next game. I guess after 8 years, deep down, I am ready to move onto a new story with new faces. My love for Band Camp Boyfriend runs deeper than the Marian’s Trench, but my heart is leading me into uncharted waters full of hammerhead sharks!

I’m happy to answer questions if you have them. Here are a couple that might be on your mind.

Q: Can’t you just make an Aaron DLC that takes place at band camp? Please, I will give you my left kidney!

A: I want you to keep your kidney, and I’m sorry, but the answer is no. I feel we have conquered band camp and there is no need to return to it. (We actually cut a route--the Leon route--and merged most of the ideas for it into the final route, because it was getting to be too much!) I’m totally burnt out on new ideas in that setting, plus it was wrapped up so wonderfully in that final route. I have no interest in doing another story there.

Another point - even though it would be easier in terms of art assets, we wouldn’t want to phone it in and do an Aaron Band Camp route, in case we were to change our minds about doing a sequel down the road. We would want to do his route as we envisioned it, so it’s best to keep that avenue open.

Q: Can you make a smaller game or just write new scenarios with what you have?

A: As we have learned about ourselves…we are not capable of making small games. Our ideas just keep getting bigger and bigger. We want to release substantial games with hours of playtime. So I guess the answer is no.

Q: If money is an issue, can you run a Kickstarter for the sequel so I can throw money at you?

A: We are probably not ever going to do another Kickstarter. It was a lot of work. It felt really bad when our first one failed and our motivation took a hit. However, I am glad it failed because we wound up releasing 3 years later than we had hoped for, but we didn’t have any pressure weighing on us from Kickstarter. We’ve seen a lot of successfully funded games get abandoned or delayed, and a lot of unhappy fans voice their displeasure and sour on a game completely. You never know what curveballs life will throw at you and these projects can easily face delays. We would hate to let you all down like that. We agree we would rather work at our own pace without that immense pressure. Also, I am kinda old fashioned when it comes to the trading of goods…you give money, me give you game! Unga bunga.

Q: So…that’s it? We’re never getting a sequel?

A: Ehh…all of this aside, never say never. If Band Camp Boyfriend unexpectedly blew up in popularity and had a mind-blowing amount of sales, then I would absolutely reconsider a return to Blue Mountain High School. But I don't really see that happening.

I really hope this news hasn’t made you too sad and I hope you’ll join us for the next game! Saying I am extremely excited for it is an understatement. I’d like to share a little bit of what we have planned and I hope it will get you excited as well, and you won’t leave here feeling too down.

If you loved Band Camp Boyfriend, you will certainly love our next otome game. It will carry the same elements of humor, romance, darkness, and drama you can expect from us—and this time, the stakes are even higher. (I know--what stakes could be higher than high school marching band?!)

The structure of this game will be a bit different. We’re dropping the crazy long common route because we feel like we’ve been there and done that, and it’s a huge headache. I love long common routes but now...I get it, I get why a lot of games have a short one or just have you pick a route, hahaha. This game’s common route will be much shorter (one whole day haha), but each romance route will be a beast in length with larger branches into various endings. The plot is so heavy that it would be best experienced in a specific order so a couple routes will be locked when you start up the game.

There will be heartwarming good endings, tragic bad endings, and somewhat bittersweet endings. And we shall once again have an original soundtrack and partial voice acting, so keep an eye out for that casting call! We plan to cast later in the process so we don’t keep our voice actors waiting around for light years on end.

There will be four main love interests to fall in love with this time around, though I’m certain you will fall in love with even more. This cast will be older, as well, with a 25-year old MC and LIs ranging from 24 to 30. I’m looking forward to writing a more adult story (not 18+, just in tone and perspective). I can’t wait to someday introduce you to them along with the rest of this memorable cast. Or maybe you’ve already heard of them…?

All of this means my social media activity is going to be eclipsed by writing and planning this next game for a while. Our platforms may be a bit quieter, but I will continue to check them of course, so don’t ever hesitate to reach out!

I’ll eagerly be anticipating the day we can start revealing the game and its amazing characters once we have something to show you. It was conceptualized way back in 2019 and been patiently awaiting its turn to shine. There will also be a free demo for you to meet the cast and dip your toes into the plot. For now, we gotta focus on the grind! But I know we have the perseverance to see this through because we’ve already done it once before!

Thank you so much for reading all of this. You deserve a yummy heart-shaped cookie with pink icing for doing so. We really appreciate you all so much! Please look forward to our next game.

♥ Lovebird Games

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I'm sad to see that it's the end for BCB for the foreseeable future, but looking forward to your upcoming otome! The character writing in BCB was my favorite part and imo the strongest part. They all felt like real teenagers (read: Alex as an older sibling) so even if there were some tropes I wasn't a fan of, I still very much enjoyed the game. Never thought Doug would be my favorite romance, and Sam my favorite route (besides the final route) lol.

Also older MC and older LIs? Count me in!

Thank you for saying so! I am especially proud of my character writing so that's wonderful to hear!! Love for Doug and Sam is always great too. <3 Thanks again and see you for the next one. :)


its so bittersweet that we won't get more of band camp boyfriend but i understand!! i am very excited to see what new ideas you guys put out in the future :)

Thank you!!

it's bittersweet to hear that we won't get a sequel or extra content, but I'm so happy to hear y'all made back the money from BCB!! And I'm even happier to hear that a new project is on the horizon!! Can't wait to hear more about the game (older MC?? older LIs?!?!? YES!!!)

It definitely is, but I'm glad you're excited!! :D Thanks for always being so awesome, fellow birdie dev! <3

It sucks when you gotta let something go, at least for now anyway, and while were moving on from BCB i still want to say that regardless of how popular it is and will ever be, to me it was a really fun experience and I hold that close to me to this day.

Nevertheless, I can't wait to see what else you guys come up with! And I hope it will be as fulfilling or at least fun as BCB was for you, if not more so! Thank you for deciding to continue your guy's paths as game developers, personally I'm just grateful I'll get to see more from you guys, and I'm sure others feel similarly too.

Definitely a bittersweet feeling! Sad to say goodbye to BCB, but excited for what's to come. Thank you so  much for taking the time to leave this comment! We really appreciate it.

I remember joining the kickstarter and was hoping it'd make it. Felt joy when you guys were able to complete the game years later and even comp costs. Im sure ill like whatever comes next for the studios sophomore release with this experience under your belt.


I'm sorry I missed replying to this comment! Wow, you've been here a while! Thank you for being so patient for us and playing BCB when it finally released. ^^


I will always and forever be a bcb lover and a little sad that those silly little guys wont be gettting a second game BUT !!!!! i am SO excited to see future games you guys make. I know it'll be so so cool and i am so looking forward to anything you guys put out !! 

Thank you so much!! <3 So glad to hear that!


It's amazing how yall preemptively guessed the offer of a kidney for an Aaron route, because that would have been me ^^. Still, this was such a fun game and I'm so grateful for everything that we did get. I'm definitely looking forward to what you have planned for the future!

Thank you!! <3

I loved Band Camp Boyfriend so I'm honestly just excited for anything else you're gonna cook up in the future :> Pls take your time and keep your sanity haha

Haha thank you so much!! We'll do our best!